4/3/06: Pigs lost in the Fog
Dreams of the Cup, banners, and mullets ended abruptly Sunday night as the Fog shellacked the Pigs 6-1 in the 1st round of the 2005-2006 playoffs. Outshot 41 to 26 the Pigs played most of the game in their own end. "I felt like a zombie" stammered Sodapop Scott who spent more time shooting a low budget horror film than shooting the puck on Sunday. Not all was lost on the night as the team posed for on ice pictures after the game for the hungry Pig fans (Tall MF Gary's Dad). The night was capped off with a David Gwortzman sighting. "Gwortzky" was best known as the underapprecitated #4 man on the famous "tunnel rat" line of 1998.
Con Smyth Winner: Goaltender and part time Bavarian Jeff for out of skull play. One of his finest.
See you all in the summer!