Family night started like any other with the stands packed with the Pig faithful cheering on the team against the Black Ice. Pigs drew first blood with Herrick's masterful goal at 13:41. About 3 minutes later the whistle blows as Tall Gary appears slumped over in the far corner...well a pictures worth a thousand words (love the smile).

By the time Oakland fire arrived on the bloody scene the Pigs fireman squad of Lemon, Herrick, and Doyle had assessed the scene, controlled the crowd, and most importantly stablized the patient. For me this was just enough informantion to answer the age old question: "how many fireman should you roster on your ice hockey team"...the answer is 3 (one to supervise, one to prop the leg, and one to control the flow of blood). Good work boys.
While they were scraping TG off the ice, the Kid notices a new member of the Black Ice. The new guy appears to be regular referee in our league sporting a red jersey. Kids all "what the $#@$". The ref says: don't worry he's not that good". Second period Pigs take a 2-0 lead off a Soda-Pop gimme goal. In third period action Pigs dominate yet give up 3 goals with the final goal coming fromt the guy in the red sweater with 4 minutes to play. Pigs lose 3-2.
Good time had by all at Family night. The ride home was nothing but "why was Tall Gary's blood on the ice?", "how come he didn't cry?", etc. Thanks TG! Good times...
Congrats to Minnesota Scott who got married last Wednesday.