12/10/06: Pigs lose; Management blames the Jews.As if the Mike Wallace interview wasn’t enough Pig management has partnered with
Iran, blaming the Jews for their December 10 loss to vVault. “vVault has long time ties to Argentina, Venezuela, and Jimmy Cater said pig Captain Mac in a post game interview after the 4-2 loss. "It is clear they used their anti zionist support to gain favor with the officials" (the Pigs were victimized by 3 power play goals). With Hanukkah rapidly approaching the outlook for the Pigs does not look good. “We’ve got seven days to remain vigilant” announced an unidentified
Pig elder after the game. “Our very namesake offends not only the Muslims but also the Jews.” Long time Pig "behind the scene" supporter TS (Technical Scott) is willing to put a fact finding committee together to answer the age old question: Is a Pig a really a filthy animal?