Despite a capacity crowd (thanks Minnesota for the fan) the Pigs were played. "I gave it an uber effort just felt a bit constrained on the ice " said long time Pig and recent Swiss National Obus after clanging the iron late in the third. Seems this was in reference to an undersized athletic supporter issued by Equipment Manager Jack Mangler to the European All Star prior to the game. In the end only ShutterTrippin Minnesota Scott was able find the back of the net.
After licking our wounds we headed to the parking lot and were treated to foot longs and Stella Artois. The key note address was delivered by the Lem: "Foreplay Myths: Why Two in the Pink and One in the Stink may not yield the results heterosexual men espouce" (source: ancecdotal lesbian accounts and lesbian oral demonstration techniques as witnessed by #6, Lemon).
Next Game: Family Night...wives, girlfriends, kids welcome...1/29/06 (Sunday): Fog @ Pigs 5:15
Bitches: Obus, Minnesota, Mac
Fast: Obus
Meat: Obus

WHY DO WE FALL???? We fall so we can learn to pick ourselves up!!!!!
Ahh anal bleaching buddy from P-Hill in the hiz. Sage advice Mr. Wayne...sage advice.
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