Labor Day came early this year as the Pigs were only able to start the game fielding 6 skaters against the Edge last night in Oakland. In the locker room moments before the game Mac uttered “WWGD?” (what would Greenie do?). Herrick reflecting fondly on short handed games past quickly responded with “why a 1-4” formation. “Where the f*&% is Tall Mother F%&%ing Gary, Peter, & Pittsberg?” snorted the Kid. Mangler reports in that Peter called an hour ago with his regrets, no word from the rest. “Well Dino will be here shortly so we should have 7, Mangler…Lemon….you fellas will be manning the blue line ‘iron man’ style until reinforcements arrive…fuck Greenie” General Mac called out. This left the Kid, Longshore, Herrick and Mac to produce up front. Mac figured with Jeff manning the Pipes all would be well. And all was well. Pigs came out strong exiting the 1st period up 2-0 thanks to gritty goals from Mac and Longshore. With the arrival of Dino, the Kid slots back to Defense to help out the Jack, Lemon, and Pipes. After 2 periods Pigs lead it 4-2 thanks to a solid passing and opportunity game. In the third a sweet pass from Lemon to Longshore made it 5-2 and the Mangler “knuckled” one to close things out for a 6-3 final. Yes Labor day came early this year. To all the Pigs who didn’t show up last night have a great Labor Day weekend. To the brave 8 who did this Buds for you! See you all on 9/12.

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