The 2nd round of the 2007 Silver A Oakland Hockey Playoffs continued as the Pigs faced off against the Whalers. Scoreless after the 1st period both teams settled back into their natural flow patterns. The Whalers being a relatively young squad had a clear speed and possibly a slight skill advantage. Unfortunately the youthful Whalers also amassed a whopping 12 minor penalties for the following infractions: Roughing (8) and Unsportsmanlike (4). The more mature and cerebral Pigs were not without sin as they tried to slow the Whalers down with the following 8 minors: Tripping (4), Holding (2), and Interference (2). In the end the wise Pig fueled by Pipes, Herrick, & TMac (our Youth & Skill player) were able to put this thing away 5-0 (recorded score was 5-1 however we know the truth). Dino (of 80s mullet fame (see 10-13-2006 post), almost a game time scratch due to an off ice stick injury, enters the game with limited vision in one eye (pictured below looking half transgender/half ex-Pig “Deaf Ron”). With his 3rd period goal to give the Pigs a 4-0 lead a great story of Pig heroics begins. Enter the Cyclopes…semi final game scheduled for April 1 vs Edge.

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