Wednesday, May 21, 2008

5/20/2008 No Meat: The Tall Gary Chronicles

Why do we call Gary "Tall Mother F*&cking Gary"?...might be easier to explain why we don't. Anyway it happened again last night as Gary blew his Meat and Beer coverage with a feeble excuse that went something like "I can't be expected to read 800 e-mails...I'm a freakin VP for Christ’s sake." So there we were after a sweet 4-1 win against the Prairie Dogs with nothing to eat but a bag of chips that KRose serendipitously packed with his Hawaiian Beer. Pig Elders are meeting later this week to discuss disciplinary action against the 6-4 Cancuk. His future with the Pig organization is in jeopardy and talks of extending Gary through the 2013 season have stalled.

Tall Gary Fun Fact: In college they called him "Ninja"...see video here

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