Ian Alexander makes his Earth debut in net (of course):
20 inches
Congrats to Jen and Amalie (and Pipes).

Chronicles the bits, ears, and pieces of the World Famous Oakland Puck Pigs Ice Hockey club
Pigs Start Season with a bye!!!!
With the warm weather upon us the Puck Pigs anxiously awaited the start of a new summer season. Unfortunately they would be forced to watch hockey instead of play it with the unfortunate double whammy schedule hang up. See email below for the low down.
From: Steve [mailto:steve@3rdbase.com]
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 10:18 PM
To: Emery Lykins
Subject: RE: Schedule
Puck Pigs had the bye in wk 1 and a sunday game in wk 2, which was bumped (5/14 is an off day for Mothers Day) . Bad luck there
-Steve Paltiel
From: Emery Lykins [mailto:emeryl@oaklandice.com]
Sent: Sun 5/7/2006 2:04 PM
To: Steve
Cc: 'Kent McClure'
Subject: Schedule
I’m just wondering why the Puck Pigs in Silver A do not have a game until the 23rd? Most teams have 2 or 3 games in by that time…..
Aprile the Goalie found in
In a desperate effort to find a goalie for Sunday's Pigs game an all points bulletin was put out to search for a steady net minder. Ultimately Lemon's friend was found and was able to tend net admirably.
However in a more bizarre and shocking result, the long lost goaltender Richard Aprile was found playing his usual style in
Let’s hope he still attends his anger management classes.
Ps. If you watch closely about half way through the video I'll swear you see Greenie in a white lab coat trying to calm everyone down.
Despite a capacity crowd (thanks Minnesota for the fan) the Pigs were played. "I gave it an uber effort just felt a bit constrained on the ice " said long time Pig and recent Swiss National Obus after clanging the iron late in the third. Seems this was in reference to an undersized athletic supporter issued by Equipment Manager Jack Mangler to the European All Star prior to the game. In the end only ShutterTrippin Minnesota Scott was able find the back of the net.
After licking our wounds we headed to the parking lot and were treated to foot longs and Stella Artois. The key note address was delivered by the Lem: "Foreplay Myths: Why Two in the Pink and One in the Stink may not yield the results heterosexual men espouce" (source: ancecdotal lesbian accounts and lesbian oral demonstration techniques as witnessed by #6, Lemon).
Next Game: Family Night...wives, girlfriends, kids welcome...Pigs Lose 3-0 to Mavericks: Greenspan Diplomacy to blame
In a move simply known as "Greenspan Diplomacy" the Pigs volunteered to change jerseys from Black to White prior to the initial puck drop in order to accommodate the needs to our dark Blue only opponents. It seems the Pigs willingness to bend over backwards as a means of allowing the visiting team to feel "comfortable" was instrumental in the Mavericks 2nd period assault accounting for all three of their goals in a span of 1:47. "We knew once they agreed to change sweaters after we told em' we only had dark Blue that they were soft. Given the right circumstances we knew we could exploit and win the game" an unidentified Maverick reported after the game. Even the Referee's were overheard between periods "changing jerseys is for pussies." Recent illegal wiretapping and has revealed that ex pig Coach Greenspan has been clandestinely leading the Mavericks since week 3 and instructed the team to only sport the dark Blue jerseys as a means to undermine Pig confidence.
Pig Ears:
*Pigs level off to 5-5-1 after a tough loss. The return of Mo and Marsella not enough get past Greenie’s Mavericks.
*Mac almost decapitated by an unidentified Maverick in move described only as “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
*Dino taking names and cracking skulls after the Mac incident making past and present “Tunnel Rats” proud.
*Quote of the night: “Are you guys kidding” - Tall MF Gary to the Kid when told he should give Fast Eddy some money as the team’s Fast Eddy delegate for the 1/12 game.
*Pics courtesy Minnesota Scott (I was only able to post one...I'm working on that).
Next game: 1/17/06: Pigs (6th place, 5-5-1) @ Greyhounds (1st place, 8-2-1) 9:00pm (NHL)
>Beer Bitches: Herrick, Kid, Jeff
>Fast Eddy: Rosie
>Meat Puppet: Lemon (Lem will be handing off his meat to the Mangler). For anyone who is concerned Lemon is comfortably resting with his Marbles on Ice after a successful “snip” this afternoon. Good luck to you with the Lemon!
Pig Ears from 1/4: