Wednesday, February 10, 2010

iPig to surface in 2nd half of winter season?

Rumors are swirling amongst locker rooms and benches that the perennial favorite OIC Puck Pigs are about to announce the much-anticipated iPig.

Little is known about the origin or application of the iPig except that it is creating a ton of buzz as the must have addition to any hockey team.

Some think it’s a tool to help organize team beer and meat assignments. Others are speculating on some new stick technology capable of increasing shot speed and berry taping ability.

Few members of the Puck Pigs will discuss the matter as the team has a history of keeping their talents and secrets close to the vest.

In order to appreciate the magnitude an iPig could have on the team, it’s worth looking at a brief history of the Puck Pig organization.

This relatively average hockey club was able to initially enjoy some on ice success when it introduced the original Mac. This player was able to provide some above average efficiency but quickly became slow and obsolete as other teams upgraded their speed.

The second generation of the Mac, creatively called the tMac, instantly catapulted the Puck Pigs to an overnight sensation. This player was a huge improvement over it’s predecessor boasting superior speed, durability and reliability. The tMac quickly became the envy of the league with his killer App slap shot. Other teams scrambled to adjust their product line but have been unable to match the quality performance of the tMac.

It’s worth noting that in an effort to stay young and hip the Puck Pigs acquired an xBox for additional scoring. The team quickly realized however that an xBox is too one-dimensional. While recognized as a gaming leader for scoring the xBox lacks the back checking ability of a faster and quicker tMac product.

Which bring us full circle to the rumored iPig.

This Editor is hoping that the iPig will be a tool to help with meat and beer assignment accountability and not just be a revamp of the tired over 40 pot bellied player trying to relive his younger days on the ice. All we need is another player who looks flashy on the outside in new shinny socks and a clean sweater but needs handholding when it comes to providing post game libations.

EXTRA: Check back in on next weeks BLOG when we discuss the impact of the original analog Mac product the PA-PI57 and how it helped shape the potential of the modern day tMac.


July 10 -13, 2008 said...

It is worth noting that the original xBox was a slim and sleek design and at the prime of its release was fast and reliable, but has since lost some of its speed. I suppose it just needs to be updated with the latest processor chip.

Unknown said...

Classic news reporting!! Who is the author????

Kid said... done good here.

Box...nice new look on the blog.

Go Pigs.

Lemon said...

Sweet Blog. Now how do we add pics to this?

Lemon said...

Sweet Blog. Now how do we add pics to this?